Coronavirus Advisor Notice for Our Guests

It will be wonderful to meet new guests and welcome back familiar faces and our promise to you is that we will do everything in our power to make your stay at Kimmeridge Farmhouse an enjoyable and memorable experience in these very strange times.


Prior to your stay it is important for us to know your time of arrival to ensure social distancing is managed with other guests checking in.  We will then be able to offer our usual welcome tray of refreshment so that you can relax, unwind and begin your holiday.

There will be hand-sanitiser in the front hall for guests to use and the doorbell and door handles will be regularly cleaned.

Guests will be asked to fill in a Registration Form on arrival just in case you need to be contacted for Track and Trace reasons only.

Guest Rooms

In addition to our ‘normal’ and very high standard of cleanliness we will endeavour that time is taken to ensure that your bedroom has been meticulously cleaned and fully sanitising all surfaces, paying extra attention to high-touch areas, such as beverage tray , TV remotes, taps and handles.

We will only provide our housekeeping services whilst you are out of the room or you may prefer that we do not enter your room at all during you stay, just tell us when you arrive.  We will be more than happy to provide clean towels and amenities to your door as you wish.

All the bedrooms are provided with individual toiletry items which will be disposed of following each guests departure.

Windows will be left open to ensure plenty of ventilation and let in the wonderful sea air.

Due to the COVID-19 restrictions currently in place there may be some limitations to facilities, in particular the communal lounge area.


They say “Breakfast is the most important meal of the Day” and we will not disappoint you but for this season The Breakfast Buffet table has been removed and instead those items will be available for service at the table instead.  All guests will be asked to choose their breakfast options the night before from a very extensive menu.

All guests will be socially spaced at our large Dining Table or you may be asked to come down at a specific time.

The Dining room will be thoroughly cleaned everyday paying extra attention to touch points.

Guests Health

Prior to your stay, in the unfortunate event, if you or a member of your household experiences any of the COVID-19 symptoms (such as; a high temperature, new continuous cough or a change of taste and smell), we must ask that you follow the Government advice, remain at home and contact us to allow your stay to be rescheduled.

If, however, you develop symptoms whilst you are on holiday we should like to be informed and then we would ask you to return home and self- isolate.   Likewise, should our own health be affected you would naturally be informed immediately.